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Year Four

Throughout the Year, children will develop their Working Scientifically Skills. This includes: 

  • making systematic and careful observations over time
  • looking at similarities and differences
  • asking questions surrounding patterns found in data 
  • gathering, recording, classifying and presenting data in a variety of ways to help in
  • answering questions
  • setting up simple practical enquiries, comparative and fair tests
  • using secondary sources with adult support to help clarify results seen



In Summer 1 and 2, children have been learning about Living Things and their Habitats. This includes:

  • classifying plants and animals based on their own criteria
  • creating and using classification keys
  • learning about invertebrates and vertebrates
  • identifying how humans have impacted the environment both positively and negatively
  • understanding that environmental changes can be temporary or permanent and can affect the plants, animals or humans who live in the habitat
  • learning about polar scientist Prem Singh Gill 

Why don't you use some of these games and websites to continue your learning at home:


In Spring 2, children have been learning about States of Matter. This includes:

  • describing some of the differences between solids, liquids and gases, e.g. solids hold their shape, liquids take the shape of their container, gases escape from a container that is not sealed
  • observing, comparing and sorting a variety of everyday materials into solids, liquids and gases, e.g. water, rock, wood, the bubbles in lemonade, marbles, milk
  • using the appropriate equipment (e.g. a thermometer or a datalogger) to measure temperature accurately
  • measuring accurately (in degrees Celsius) the temperature at which a material changes from being a liquid to a solid or vice versa, e.g. water freezing or chocolate melting
  • carrying out research to find out the temperature at which a material changes state, e.g. metal to molten metal
  • defining the terms evaporation and condensation and talking about how these processes feature in the water cycle
  • knowing that ‘the warmer the temperature the faster the rate of evaporation’ and giving examples of when this happens, e.g. using a hair dryer, puddles in the sunshine, drying clothes in a tumble dryer
  • giving further examples of when evaporation and condensation occur, e.g. water disappearing from the fish tank over time, condensation on the outside of a glass of cold water, condensation on the classroom windows
  • learning about researcher Zoe Aryes 

Why don't you use some of these games and websites to continue your learning at home:


In Spring 1, children have been learning about Sound. This includes:

  • understanding the link between sounds and vibrations
  • learning about how vibrations travel through different mediums
  • identifying patterns between objects and the pitch of the sounds they produce
  • identifying patterns between volume and the strength of the vibrations that produced the sound
  • investigating the relationship between the volume of a sound and the distance from the source
  • recognising patterns between the position of an animal’s ear and whether they are predator or prey
  • learning about fashion tech designers Francesca Rosella and Ryan Genz

Why don't you use some of these games and websites to continue your learning at home:


In Autumn 2, children have been learning about Electricity. This includes:

  • identifying appliances that run on electricity
  • identifying whether appliances run on battery or mains electricity
  • constructing series electrical circuits
  • identifying and naming the parts of electrical circuits, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers
  • explaining whether or not a lamp will light based on whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery
  • recognising that a switch opens and closes the circuit to turn on or off a light
  • explaining the difference between a conductor and an insulator; giving examples of each
  • learning about electricity safety
  • learning about renewable energy scientist Yi Guo 

Why don't you use some of these games and websites to continue your learning at home:


In Autumn 1, children have been learning about Animals Including Humans. This includes:

  • learning about the digestive system and how it works
  • understanding the roles of the different organs
  • learning about the types of teeth and their functions
  • creating food chains and webs
  • identifying producers, predators and prey
  • visiting Lloyds Park to make sketches of the animals and plants
  • learning about animal behaviourist Jemma Dias 

Why don't you use some of these games and websites to continue your learning at home: