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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

Meet the team

Year Group lead -

Ms Hakeem (Science Lead)

Teachers -

Waxwing - Ms Hakeem / Ms Khatun (SCITT Trainee)

Wagtail - Mr Robinson

Wren - Mr Lester

Woodpecker- Ms Poptani

Support Staff -

Mrs May, Mr Conor, Mrs Al-Saba, Mrs Deanna


Key events for the term:

Monday 28th October: Autumn term 2 begins

Tuesday 29th October: Christmas Cards deadline

Wednesday 30th October: Halloween disco

Thursday 7th November: Parents evening

Friday 8th November: Wear something Red for Remembrance Day

Friday 8th November - Tuesday 12th November: Book Fair (North Site)

Monday 11th November - Friday 15th November: Anti-bullying week

Thursday 14th November - Wednesday 20th November: Book Fair (South Site)

Thursday 14th November: Parents evening

Friday 15th November: Children In Need Fundraising day 

Monday 18th November - Friday 22nd November: Parliament week

Friday 22nd November: Year 3 and 4 sports hall athletics

Tuesday 3rd December: Panto

Wednesday 4th December: British Museum (Wren and Woodpecker)

Thursday 5th December: Christmas Film Night

Monday 9th December: British Museum (Waxwing and Wagtail)

Monday 16th December: Christmas Fair (North site)

Tuesday 17th December: Class Christmas parties - non uniform

Wednesday 18th December: Christmas Lunch day 

Thursday 19th December: Christmas Jumper Day

Thursday 19th December: End of term

PE days

Children must come into school in their PE kits on the days that they have PE. 

Wren: Wednesday and Thursday

Wagtail: Tuesday and Thursday

Woodpecker: Thursday and Friday

Waxwing: Tuesday and Wednesday

Library bus days

Children will be able to swap their library bus book once a week.  

Wren: Friday

Wagtail: Wednesday

Woodpecker: Monday

Waxwing: Tuesday