Year 2
Hello Year 2!
It's going to be a year to remember!
Meet the team
Year Group lead - Ms Hakeem (Science Lead)
Teachers -
Woodpecker - Ms Hakeem
Wagtail - Mrs Hussain
Wren - Mrs Rashid
Waxwing - Dr. Goodchild
Support Staff -
Mrs Tahira, Ms Romaisa, Mrs May, Ms Rashida
Key events for the term:
Monday 3rd June: Term begins
Monday 3rd June: Class Photos
Monday 3rd June - Friday 7th June: Film week
Thursday 6th June: Book Fair (North Site)
Monday 10th June - Friday 14th June: Phonics screening check
Thursday 13th June: Mission Globes
Monday 17th June: Year 2 Wild Eco Builders Workshop
Monday 24th June: Poetry Slam class heats
Monday 24th June - Friday 28th June: Sports Week
Wednesday 26th June: Sponsored Mile
Monday 1st July: Waxwing at Garden Museum
Tuesday 2nd July: Selected KS1 students singing concert
Monday 8th July: Wagtail at Garden Museum
Tuesday 9th July: Woodpecker at Garden Museum
Saturday 13th July: Summer Fair
Tuesday 16th July: Wren at Garden Museum
Wednesday 24th July: Last day of term
Children must come into school in their PE kits on the days that they have PE.
Wren: Monday and Thursday
Wagtail: Wednesday and Thursday
Woodpecker: Tuesday and Wednesday
Waxwing: Monday and Wednesday
Library Bus
Children will be able to swap their library bus book once a week.
Wren: Wednesday
Wagtail: Friday
Woodpecker: Wednesday
Waxwing: Monday