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We are a uniform wearing school at Mission Grove.

We have a red jumper, with black or grey skirts/trousers/shorts/dresses.

Shoes should be black.

SWAP shop

We have school uniform available to either be swopped or sold.

The uniform is pre-loved and has been washed, but some items may need another wash.

In order to obtain uniform, please complete the form below detailing items required. Collection can be made every Thursday from 3.30pm to 4.00pm at the North Site office, starting this Thursday 12th January 2023.

As the uniform has been donated, there is no guarantee your selected item will be available immediately.

Parents are asked to bring any uniform that they wish to donate to school on a Thursday from 3.30pm to the North Site Office. We ask that uniform donated is in good condition and clean. If the item of clothing that you are donating has your child's name in it, can this please be removed.

Uniform will also include PE items, including plimsolls. Seasonal items will also be available, including coats and summer items. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide or take underwear.

Although it is called a Swap Shop there is no expectation that if you have nothing to swap you cannot select item(s) to take. Ideally, we would like parents taking uniform to make a monetary donation. Donations will be used for providing more sports kits for when the children are participating in events.

On a termly basis uniform not swopped will be sent for recycling.

If you wish to obtain school uniform via our Swap Shop, please complete the form on the schoolapp.