This page will be updated fortnightly.
Keep an eye on the pages under the tabs on the right-hand side of this page >>>>>>>>>>>>
- Event alerts
- Learning objectives
- Core text
- Parent home activities
- Photos and videos
- Useful links
- And many more!
Gentle reminders -
- Numbots log in details are inside reading records
- Bug Club log in details are inside reading records
- PE clothes on designated days for each class
- Library bus book change day is on Friday. Please remember your child's book bags.
- £3 snack money due for this half-term
Good to know -
- We are a NUT FREE school! That means Nutella sandwiches are not allowed!
- Healthy packed lunch only (no sweets, fizzy drinks etc.)
- No birthday cakes/sweets or party bags allowed. Donate a book or game instead, or give fruit.
- No homework school – read a book daily and complete topic projects
- We are a RIGHTS RESPECTING school.