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  • Physical Education/Sport

    Whole School approach to Physical Education

    Mission Grove Primary School is committed to supporting all our children in leading a healthy lifestyle. We feel that Physical Education plays a vital role in turning these aspirations into reality. All children currently have access to 2 hours of 'quality' P.E each week following the Getset4PE scheme.

    In partnership with various P.E service providers our children are given access to a variety of sporting opportunities such as Dance, Kung-Fu, Swimming, Gymnastics, Athletics, Football, Table Tennis, Cricket and Multisport.

    Mission Grove is committed to 30 minutes of physical activity for every child, every day!

    Swimming lessons will also take place in week and fortnightly block sessions, at the Waltham Forest Feel Good centre for years 2,4,5 and 6. Year 1 will have a taster day in July 2025.