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PTA - Friends of Mission Grove



About Friends of Mission Grove

 FOMG plays an important role in our school’s community. We raise money for our school to purchase new equipment and learning resources which all our children benefit from. Everyone who has a child at Mission Grove is automatically a member.


How can you get involved?

We love to see new faces at our meetings or helping out at our events, and are always receptive to new ideas. Your support is vital to ensure that FOMG can continue to bring people together and raise funds for our school. There are plenty of ways you can get involved. Sign up to the class list app, email


How do we raise our funds?

Our FOMG Volunteers work hard to came up with new events every year. It is through your participation at these events that we are able to raise much needed funds to enable FOMG to support the school.

What are we currently raising funds for?

At this years AGM we met with the year 6 School Captains and they spoke to us about the things that they would like help to raise funds for. They would like

  • friendship benches in the playgrounds
  • Astroturf on the south site pitch

In the past we have helped raise funds to pay for

  • the coach for the Year 6 residential to PGL
  • Books for AR
  • Pantomime and theatre tickets

How have we supported the school in the past?

We hold community events throughout the year that enable us to raise funds and support the school. We have had International food sales, Mother's Day and Father's Day activities, Easter Egg hunts and we always help at the Summer and Winter fairs.

Meetings and minutes

We meet regularly to discuss our forthcoming events and ideas for raising money for the school. We also consider new requests for funding at these meetings. Miss Jennings, or another member of the Leadership Team attend. If you want to keep up-to-date with what’s really going on at the school, why not come along? Staff, parents and carers are all welcome! Meetings last about one hour.

Annual General Meeting

At the end of the Autumn Term we hold our Annual General Meeting when those present at the meeting elect a new Committee for the forthcoming academic year. We need a quorum of 11 people at the AGM, so when you see the posters advertising this meeting, please do try to come along and support us as this is our most important meeting of the school year.