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PSED in Reception

Personal, Social and Emotional Wellbeing: 

In PSHE, we have been reading the book 'The Colour Monster' by Anna Llenas. During Circle Time, this wonderful book has helped our children to be able to identify their emotions and understand them. We have been talking about times when we have felt happy, sad, angry or a mixture of feelings and how it is fine to have these feelings. 

Thank you to Fatmanur for demonstrating a few of the Colour Monster's emotions so brilliantly. Well done!


02.10.23 - This week, we shared a book called 'How Are You Feeling Today?' by Molly Potter. It's a great dip-in book where children can choose a feeling that relates to them and then turn to the page that provides child-friendly strategies for dealing with that feeling. We used Emotions Pumpkin cards to choose an emotion and then turned to the page to see what things we could do to help us understand when we feel excited, for example. Well, you could clap your hands super quickly or draw a picture of what you think excitement looks like or make up an 'excitement dance' with your hands!

How Are You Feeling Today?: A Let's Talk picture book to help young  children understand their emotions : Potter, Molly, Jennings, Sarah: Books