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  • Minutes

    PTA Minutes


    Date:     Friday 31st January 



    1. : members of office 

     Chair – Chelsey King

     Vice Chair – Karla Thomas

    2nd Vice Chair – to be advised

    Secretary –  PTA members will take turns to write the minutes.


    1. ParentKind –School has membership. It is a PTA network with event suggestions.


    1. Summer Fair - Date is set for Saturday 12th July 12 - 3pm. 

    Need to discuss theme and ideas asap

    1. Raffle tickets - we always have a lot left over. Can we think of a better way that isn't time consuming and think about getting parents/ staff to take packs and sell away from school. 
    1. Friendship Disco - Thursday 13th February 2025

    Food issues from previous year mean we will need to have food prepared earlier.
    ◦ Food can be transported to the ks2 building or clear reception out to allow KS2 to access dining hall.
    ◦ Will south site split both Halls? Ks1 downstairs/Ks2 upstairs

                ◦ Confirm if there will be a Dress- Up theme
                  (Non - uniform) donation rather than a specified amount
               Make sweet bags again for disco - remove any hard sweets (big seller from last time)
               ◦ Flyers need to go out for Friendship Disco
                ◦ What will the menu be?
              ◦ Add this on the newsletter including what’s for sale£5 ticket to cover entry, a drink and a snack.

    South site split in 2 halls 3.15 - 5.15. Need volunteers to help set up. 

    North EYFS & KS1 in the dining hall. Can nursery be in the nursery? Ks2 in downstairs hall. 3.30 - 5.30pm.

    1. Christmas Fair   - Feed back. It was a great event, with lots of positive feedback from parents. We raised £3,282.18. Money raised is going towards the playground refurbishment. 


    1. Stay and Play
      ◦ PTA could run a stall on Fridays - stay and play where things could be sold
      ◦ Have as a regular offering for steady income.
      ◦ Need confirmation so they can start after half-term - please confirm


    1. Fundraising ideas                                                                                                                                                                                             My School Fund - sign up as school gets a percentage of money raised via spending
      Go Fund Me - get the QR Code as well as link to the weekly newsletter
      ◦ Laminated and placed across schools on both sites

      ◦ Pictures of playgrounds with emotive stories about the importance of playground for children

      ◦ Could we incentivise local businesses with MG Certificates as sponsors of School Playground
      ◦ Create a poster with QR code and info to push the GoFundMe                                                                                             Facilities Hire
      ◦ Promote School Hall Hire opportunities- push it more
      ◦ Currently on websites, but not obvious
      ◦ Creating Flyer for Hall Hire - could be a lucrative opportunity
      ◦ One price for MG parents (discounted)                                                                                                                                                Book Swap
      ◦ Advertise that school wants to collect any books to trade
      ◦ World of Books (charity) takes away damaged books and pays for it.
      ◦ PTA willing to volunteer to sort through the books to help to run the Stall and Sell on school behalf
    2. Ideas for future events
    • Quiz night, Bingo, Line dancing

    Date for next meeting Tuesday 25th February 9am -South site