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Library Bus

That's right, you read correctly - at Mission Grove we have 2 Library Buses!

At Mission Grove Primary, we pride ourselves on how much our children enjoy reading; as a staff, we regularly encourage the enjoyment of reading, as well as presenting it as a tool for learning.

In our libraries, the children are free to take charge of their own learning by using the wide range of books, for either reading for pleasure, or supporting their learning within a particular topic. We also have a variety of genres, such as poems, myths and legends, traditional stories and fiction from different cultures, for children to enjoy in a peaceful environment. 


Classes have a weekly timetabled slot, and many children choose to use the library as a place to sit and read quietly during playtimes - some even like to drive the bus to far off places!

If you are interested in listening to some of the children read, please leave a message at reception for Miss Jennings or email