Learning at home
The children will bring home two books a week. One will be a RWI book or ditty that is linked to your child's reading level. The other will be a book of their choice. Your child should be reading at home for 30 minutes every day. Please ensure that you listen to your child read every day as well as sitting down to relax and enjoy reading a story to them. This will hugely aid your child's progress in reading.
Your child can also read books allocated to them on BugClub.
Your child will have been allocated a login by their class teacher. You can get this from them. Click here to access their account.
Children will all have logins for the website MyOn, where they have access to hundreds of different books. From time to time, we will also set the children reading projects linked to their topics.
By the time children leave year 1 they should know their 10, 2 and 5 times tables at least. Please encourage your children to practise their timetables regularly. All of the children also have access to Numbots and TTrockstars. This is an online app which allows the children to practice their number skills and timetables whilst having fun. They can earn coins from correct answers as well as battle with other children in their class and even their teacher!
Your child's class teacher will provide you with log in details for your child. Click here to access their account.
We also encourage the children to take ownership of their learning by working on projects related to their topic at home. We have attached a home learning project sheet for the term at the bottom of this page if you need inspiration for projects. We will gladly share these with their classmates and display any work in the classroom.
Core texts
Please see links to You Tube videos of our core texts for this year.
EYFS - ‘Pattan’s Pumpkin’ by Chittagong Soundar and Frané Lessac - YouTube
Room on the Broom - Julia Donaldson.. Children's Story. Audiobook - read-aloud. - YouTube
The Highway Rat [Children's story | Read Aloud] - YouTube
Storytime for Kids Read Aloud: Stickman by Julia Donaldson - YouTube
Traction Man is here - Books Alive! Read Aloud children’s book - YouTube
One day on our blue planet … in the Savannah, by Ella Bailey, read by Mrs M Dodd - YouTube
Bedtime Stories | Vicky McClure reads Augustus and His Smile | CBeebies - YouTube
The Storm Whale by Benji Davies I Read aloud I Books about friendship - YouTube
Please find information on phonics at Mission Grove by clicking here to visit our phonics page.
Year one common Exception words
By the end of year 1 your child should be able to read and spell the words below.
Please see an example of the year 1 timetable below