Learning at Home
Please see the websites below and resources to support your child's learning from home.
Please encourage your child to use the links below to strengthen their fluency in Maths. Pupils should also complete at least an hour of TTRS per week to support their knowledge of times tables. We also recommend the use of the websites below to help with arithmetic practice.
Maths arithmetic challenges
Defenders of Mathematica
Reading and Writing
Pupils are expected to read every morning and at least 30 minutes at home every day.
In Year 6, we expect pupils to complete AR quizzes weekly to support their fluency in reading comprehension.
At Mission Grove, we believe when children read a wider array of books with differing genres, it supports their writing as they are able to apply much of what they have learnt or discovered in their writing. Please could we request that you read with your children whenever possible and even engage in stimulating conversations with children to gain a deeper understanding of reading or doing.
With children reading more, we believe they will be exposed to more language of a higher calibre, and it will enhance their vocabulary. In addition to this, reading a wider range of books will enable them to explore different genres and understand how different techniques are used by authors for effect.
With Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar also playing a key role in SATs, we work to ensure the children are well-supported in class with their learning of grammar. To help them at home. We would also recommend the use of the website below which should enhance their grammatical fluency.
Grammar challenges