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  • Cuckoo class

    Upcoming dates and events: 

    5th December: Movie Night watching The Grinch - Tickets £6. Starts at 3.30 till 6pm. 

    11th December: The Nativity. 10am and 2pm shows. Tickets cost £1. Pictures cost £1. YouTube recording costs £2. 

    Autumn 2 

    This half-term, our topic is Traditional Tales. We have been looking at 4 stories in particular :

    Goldilocks and the Three Bears Three Amigos GIFs |                        Little Red Riding Hood Grandma Little Red Riding Hood

    Three Little Pigs   Blow Your House Down GIF - Three Three Little Pigs Blow - Discover ...                                          The Christmas Story See the source image

    Literacy, Communication and Language 

    In Literacy, we have been working on putting sounds together to read and write simple words. For example, c makes the 'cuh' sound, a makes the 'ah' sound and t makes the 'tuh' sound. We combine these sounds together to say the word 'cat'. We then write all of these sounds together to make the word 'cat'. We started off with lots of activities that support hearing sounds, matching initial sounds to pictures, saying words like a robot and stretching sounds till we hear the sounds in the words. 





    Here you can see Ibraheem and Aidan identifying the initial sound in pictures and placing a peg on the matching sound. 





    As a whole class, we have been looking at how to make porridge. We realised we didn't know how to make porridge and didn't have any ingredients, so we started off by writing a shopping list. After Miss Mozir bought all the ingredients, we looked at some recipes so that we could understand how the instructions worked. As a class, we then wrote a set of instructions for making porridge. Finally, we were ready to make our own porridge. Of course, there were lots of extra toppings that we could choose for our porridge! 




    Elsie said: "That was lovely and warm. My body feels warm after eating this porridge!" 

    Aafia said: "I like porridge and banana". 

    Joey said: "I only put chocolate chips and sugar in my porridge. I'll try a fruit next time". 


    In maths this term, we have been looking at subitising. This is the skill of recognising a number without having to count the quantity, just like how we know which number is on a die without having to count the spots. 

    We have been playing lots of games, which include rolling a die, lots of quick counting, and lots of speedy memory games. 


    Here is an example of an activity we enjoyed. Children had a range of counting objects, such as counting bears, blocks, counters and cubes. They had a die which they had to roll to determine the number they needed. They had to identify the quantity quickly, collect that many objects and place them on their 5 frames. They then had to write down the numeral on their whiteboards. 






    The children were challenged to build a home for the Goldilocks/Little Red Riding Hood/ Three Little Pigs. They worked together with their friends, discussed the best method and design for their houses and then tested out their houses. 



    Joey: "My house is tall, so each pig lives in a different flat. And it might be too tall for the wolf to climb up, hopefully!" 


    Matias: "You can't blow down my house. Only if you smash it, it will fall down, but you can't blow it". 







    Elsie: "Mine looks a bit like a castle. Maybe Golidlocks will live here so the Bears can't come and find her". 


    Aafia: "House. Little pig house". 





    Expressive Arts

    The art table has been very busy this half-term! We have been learning about the artist Kandinsky. We noticed that Kandinsky loved painting with shapes and lots of colours, so, of course, we had to have a go being Kandinsky for the day! The art table had a queue of children waiting for their turn, paints were mixed, every single paintbrush was used and lots of art was made! 




    That is all for now from this half term. Keep an eye on this page for more updates! 






    Autumn 1 

    What a busy term we have had! Here are just some highlights from our first term at Mission Grove! 


    We started off getting to know our new peers and exploring our new classroom. We took some first day at school pictures which I hope parents will cherish. 



    See more of these lovely first day pics in the Reception Photo Gallery here


    We have been really enjoying visiting the Music room to enjoy the variety of musical instruments. We often visit the music room to hang out, dance, sing and make as much noise as possible. Here are a couple of pics of us enjoying various musical instruments. 




    We have also been learning about the different kinds of emotions we show. We talked about how to help ourselves when we are feelings certain emotions, such as sadness or anger and who around us we can go to for help. Here are a couple of pictures of us trying to display different emotions. 

    We have also been enjoying plenty of cooking activities. We started off by making some healthy pizzas. We talked about the different kinds of veges we wanted on our pizza. 

    We also focussed on the story of Pumpkin Soup. The story is all about 3 friends who get into a bit of an argument which causes their favourite Pumpkin Soup to taste very bitter! So we focussed on sequencing the steps to make Pumpkin Soup, and then gathered all the resources.

    Here are some pictures of us preparing our soup ingredients. 


    We finally got to cooking our Pumpkin Soup! We got a nice hot bowlful of Soup and a warm slice of a breadbun. 





    And that's a wrap for our first term at school! We have had a wonderful time, made some great friends and have learnt loads of new things! 

    We hope you have a lovely half-term break, and come back energetic and ready to learn next term!