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Crow Class

Welcome to the website page for Crow class where you will see all the exciting learning we have done in and out of class. This page will be updated every two weeks so I hope you enjoy the pictures.



Our Literacy topic for the past two weeks is `Pumpkin Soup` by Helen Cooper. A book about The Cat, the Squirrel and the Duck live together in perfect harmony, eating pumpkin soup and playing their musical instruments. This heartening book about friendship and being kind to one another.






 In the past two weeks, we have been looking at comparing quantities up to 5. Children had to compare groups of identical objects using the language more, fewer and less. Children are encouraged to use these maths vocabulary during the lessons and I will encourage you to use them at home to help the children remember these words.




 We are using the Jigsaw platform for PSHE which provides a mindful approach to our lessons. PSHE which stands for Personal, Social, Health and Emotion empowers children to have positive relationships with themselves and others. We have a different topic each week and so far we have looked into:


2. How am I feeling today

3. Being at school

4. Gentle hands

Our next topic is: Our Rights

The pictures below show our PSHE characters. The blue jigsaw character is called Jenie and we hold Jenie when we have something to share with the class.



 As you can see, we have done many things at school and we are looking forward to many more exciting things. We have made friends, we have made pumpkin soup, and we have practised our handwriting daily.


Mnay thanks to the parents who came along to the Crow class parent showcase, I hope you enjoyed the activities with the children.