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Creative and Expressive Arts

The Importance of The Arts

"The arts are not a luxury. They are as crucial to our well-being, to our very existence, as eating and breathing. Access to them should not be restricted to a privileged few. Nor are they the playground of the intelligentsia. The arts are for everyone – and failure to include everyone diminishes us all."

Sir David Attenborough


What Is The Importance Of Arts And Music In One's Life? | Astro Black  Records


The Creative and Expressive Arts are an important part of everyday life at Mission Grove. Children take part in art and music lessons weekly which are taught by their class teachers. Dance is taught in PE sessions, but is also used to enhance learning in other subjects. Drama is used in all subjects to enhance learning, this might be children retelling a story in literacy, acting out the life cycle of a plant in science, or reenacting important events in history lessons like The Great Fire of London.

Every class have an hour session weekly with ARTIS - a performing arts company. 

We also offer 1.1 violin and guitar lessons to our children. 

Please click on the attached tabs to find out more about our Art, Drama and Music curriculum at Mission Grove Primary School.