Mission Grove Primary School follows the admissions policy of the London Borough of Waltham Forest to allocate school places.
Applications must be made on official forms and allocations are made by the School Admissions Office, Town Hall Complex, Forest Road, E17 4JX, Telephone 0208496 0000 or email
Forms are available from the admissions office and also distributed through the school once a year to pupils in our nursery classes.
If the number of applications is greater than the number of places, the following criteria are used:
* Pupils with statements of Special Educational Needs which specify our school
* Looked After Children which specify our school
* Children with disabilities who have limited mobility as accepted by the Education Department
* Children who have a brother or sister on roll at the school at the time of admission
* Children living nearest to the school (we do not have a designated catchment area)
* We cannot guarantee that pupils in our nursery will gain automatic entry into the main school
Admission to Nursery
If you would like to enrol your child for our nursery, please bring their birth certificate or passport to our school office. We will take their details and contact you when a place becomes available.
Children usually start in our nursery between 3 years 1 month - 4 years old. Before your child starts nursery, our Early Years Assistant Head, Shaesta Khan will, where possible, visit you and your child at home.
She will make arrangements for you to visit the nursery and settle your child in gradually. Children may attend for morning or afternoon sessions and parents can indicate a preference subject to the availability of places.
Reception Classes
All Reception children start in September of the school year in which they are 5. Parents and carers of pupils starting school are invited to an informal meeting to discuss intake arrangements the term before.
Pupils from our nursery will experience planned transition activities to help them prepare for their move to school. Parents /Carers of pupils coming direct into school from home and other settings will be contacted by our Foundation Stage Teacher to make arrangements for their transition to school.
Other Admissions
Please contact the School Admissions Office, Town Hall Complex, to apply for a place. Once your child is allocated a place in our school, parents/carers must contact our school office.
An appointment is made for you to visit the school with your child to meet our Office Manager and discuss admission arrangement.