About Us
Welcome to Mission Grove Primary School
Thank you for showing an interest in joining our community.
At Mission Grove our motto is Respect yourself; Respect others. We are a four form entry school with over 850 children on roll. Mission Grove is a very friendly school where children are encouraged to become confident, caring and articulate. We provide a calm and happy atmosphere and set high standards of respect, courtesy, hard work and achievement for all children and adults.
We believe that children learn best when they feel valued and respected. Mission Grove has high expectations of all children and staff and high standards of teaching and learning. We aim to provide a friendly, supportive and purposeful community, which values all its members.
We are very proud of the social and cultural diversity at Mission Grove and we welcome the richness that this brings to our school community. This diversity is reflected in our teaching, our policies and procedures and the school environment.
I hope this Website gives you a flavour of Mission Grove and how we strive to achieve our values and aims.
Katie Jennings
B.Ed Hons, MA