Grouse Autumn 1
Our Topic for Autumn 1 is “Food Glorious Food” and we tasted as much food we could get. We had apples dipped in honey and Challah bread for Rosh Hashanah and we tasted dates, cross buns, Diwali sweets and halwa from different religious. We also ate different fruit from the 5 continents, devoured the delicious food that parents brought for the World Food Day along with our beautiful traditional clothes and we used our senses to identify food. Moreover, we had a lovely tea party having tea and buns. Unfortunately, the tiger didn’t show up. We also made some yummy chocolate rice Krispie cakes for the Macmillan Baking and we went to Sainsbury’s to buy our ingredients for the scrumptious pizza we baked later on. Additionally, we conducted a funny experiment to see how germs spread out and the results were gross. At the Market we spotted fruit from different countries and we observed how much it has changed over the years. In our classroom we created some awesome leaf art and still life collages based on the artist Matisse. Last but not least, we created a Mythological creature made out of all the 5 types of animals and we dressed up as superheroes to raise awareness about Mental Health.