Countdown to the GIANT concert, 5 weeks to go!
Our school has been chosen to take part in a huge theatrical event, celebrating our natural heritage. On the 18th and 19th of October, certain oak trees in Epping Forest will be transformed and become the stage for some of our students. The children will sing, act and climb, performing songs and drama, including a reimagining of Oscar Wilde's poem, 'The Selfish Giant.' For our first sessions, we learnt some of the songs and worked on developing our voices. We then learnt how to use a 'foot lock' and 'hand lock' to climb some of the enormous oak trees, from which we will perform. We then explored the forest, learning about acorns. We had a fantastic day, learning a wide range of new skills and overcame our fears. The countdown is on, and things are only going to get even better!