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Online safety

In this day and age we need to be more and more careful and vigilant with what children are accessing online. 

On this page we will be posting up-to-date guidance and support. 

Do you know what the dangers are on the Internet/Online services? 

Did you know that there are different dangers for children of different ages? 

What kind of conversations should you be having with your children? 

Internet Matters has created some helpful parent videos with children of different ages which you will find useful. See links below: 

E-Safety Tips for Parents: Under 5 - YouTube 

E-Safety Tips for Parents: 6-10 - YouTube
E-Safety Tips for Parents: Teens - YouTube

Do you know what the Age ratings on various social platforms are? Here are what those ratings means. 

Keep up to date with the latest dangers of being online. 

Can bullying happen online? How can you spot when your child is being bullied? How can you avoid it? 

Do you know how to spot the signs of Screen Addiction? What should you do? Did you know that you can put a Screen Time lock on your devices? Did you know you can restrict your WiFi?

Does your child have access to YouTube? Did you know that you can start a private message chat with strangers online? Are you aware of the possible dangers on YouTube?

Does your child play games on Roblox? It's just a game right? Did you know you can chat to strangers on Roblox? Or that you can pay for additional game add-ons using a bank card? Are you aware of the dangers of unsupervised access on Roblox?

Does your child have an Instagram account? Are you supervising their activity? Did you know that you can private message anyone on instagram? Where you aware of live feeds happening in real time on Instagram? 

The mental health of our pupils are greatly impacted by what happens on Social Media. The need to be online, fit in with others, be up-to-date with the latest trends and online bullying all plays a role. Being online can be a very isolating place so here is how you can help your child. 

All of the above pictures are available as downloadable files below.