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Millionaire readers

As part of our way to celebrate the successes in reading, children on the Accelerated Reading scheme can earn stars. When they reach a million they are rewarded with a reading trophy. If they reach 2 million then they go to a book store to choose a book for themselves. 

As a school, since September we have already read over 108 million words! Absolutely incredible! 


Ciara in Year 4 is storming ahead with over 2 and a half million words read!

The current millionaire readers are

Year 4 - Felix, Mathilda, Sitharth, Krystian, Paulina, Ariel

Year 5 - Atheesh, Samina, Haris, Louis, Filza, Hubert

Year 6 - Aariz, Inaaya, Madjat, Mabel, Ryan, Maida, Faizan, Muhammed I, Nadjat, Maida, Andreo, Aiden, Uzair, Awais